A well attended event organized by LaTonya Dyer, Instructional Designer and Trainer of CIAT, provided the TU audience of faculty, staff and graduate students with a snapshot view of the potential educational opportunities available through the (MUVE) Multiple User Virtual Environment Second Life.
Held in the Digial Media Classroom on February 15th LaTonya Dyer kicked off the presentation with an overview of SL. She was followed by TU faculty James Braman (COSC), Giovanni Vincenti (COSC), and Bridget Sullivan (ART) who each presented SL course activities and related SL research.
View a recording of the event: http://mediasite2.towson.edu/mediasite/Catalog?cid=044f1dfd-71ae-49e1-b2c5-8b4305674647 - Windows Media Player required
http://mediasite.towson.edu/CIAT/emergingtechnologies - Flash Player required
LaTonya Dyer announcing the Emerging Technology Community
~bee Zimminy
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