
Meet-up Monday On Nights

The Towson Innovation Lab island is in full swing with the start of classes and weekly meet-up sessions on Monday night open to the public. Starting at 8:30 pm faculty members, Jan Baum (ART+DESIGN), James Braman (Computer & Information Sciences) and Bridget Sullivan (ART+DESIGN) meet in-world with undergraduate and graduate students, alumni and visitors to the Towson Innovation Lab island in Second Life. The informal session is open to anyone interested in learning more about the Second Life virtual world. Each week the session offers a demonstration/Q&A session or tour of an interesting location in SL.

from left to right Ruby Snook, Bee Zimminy and back right Valen Voom with students during a recent build session in the Towson Innovaiton Lab sandbox in Second Life.

You can IM one of the faculty members using their in-world avatar names: Ruby Snook (Jan Baum), Valen Voom (James Braman) or Bee Zimminy (Bridget Sullivan) for a teleport to their location in Second Life or join us promptly at 8:30 pm in the sandbox (building area) of the Towson Innovation Lab island (the area defined by a brown picket fence).

Upcoming topics are presented by Bee Zimminy (Bridget Sullivan, bsullivan@towson.edu) on the following Monday evenings starting at 8:30 pm ET.

The events are free and open to the Towson University community.
Please arrive on time because we start promptly. Each demo takes approximately 30-45 minutes to complete.
Demonstrations will be held in the Towson Innovation Lab sandbox. IM Bee Zimminy for a teleport.

9/20 - Viewer 2 basics, modifying your appearance, Basic Build Session I - the very basics of object making in SL: making prims, duplicating prims, editing prim appearance (color textures, shape), linking prims - beginner level

9/27 - No build demo session tonight. Attend the screening of the film "Life 2.0" on the real life campus of Towson Univeristy 7:30 PM VAN BOKKELEN HALL AUDITORIUM FREE ADMISSION

10/4 - Basic Build Session II: building small prims for an avatar to wear - beginner level
10/11 Building an notecard giver object - beginner level

10/18 - Building a display box to give away an object for free - beginner level
10/25 - Basic Build Session I - the very basics of object making in SL: making prims, duplicating prims, editing prim appearance (color textures), linking prims.

11/1 - Basic Build Session II - uploading textures adding basic scripts

11/8 - Building a Presomatic presentation board in SL
11/15 - Building a Presomatic presentation board in SL tour of great learning sites in SL, beginner level

11/22 - no demo session this week

11/29 - Building a Presomatic presentation board in SL

12/6 - Building a Presonmatic presentation board in SL

Valen Voom (left) and Bee Zimminy (right) in the Towson Innovation Lab sandbox during a recent build session.

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